Dragi naši posjetitelji, fanovi, suradnici, novinari i sponzori, Pannonian Challenge XIV i ove godine je za Vas pripremio nekoliko nezaboravnih dana uz odličnu ekipu, najbolje svjetske i domaće vozače te glazbeni i kulturni program.
14. Pannonian Challenge službeno će započeti 14. kolovoza i pružiti vam nezaboravnu zabavu sve do nedjelje,18. kolovoza 2013.
Nova lokacija, na lijevoj obali Drave, donosi nam mnoge pogodnosti pa ćemo se tako ovaj put najbolje extremne sportaše bodriti na velikoj travnatoj površini, uz ‘Šumicu’ i ljetni povjetarac.
Radovi na premještaju skateparka napreduju, a u cilju ih je dovršiti u što skorijem roku, kako bi omogućili svim vozačima da preostalo vrijeme do našeg najvećeg natjecanja u extremnim sportovima uče, voze i treniraju te Vas i ove godine oduševe svojim znanjem!
Višestruki svjetski prvak i vlasnik X-games medalja Daniel Dhers i ove godine potvrdio je svoj dolazak na Pannonian Challenge! Nakon tri uzastopne pobjede na PC-u od Daniela možemo očekivati samo dobru zabavu i još bolje trikove.
A tu je i svima poznati Michael Beran – Berry koji također potvrđuje svoj drugi dolazak na jednu od najvećih zabava koju je doživio upravo u Osijeku!
[blockquote]Sve ove lijepe, zabavne i extremne trenutke od ove godine po prvi puta ćete moći pratiti LIVE! Spremamo odličnu TV produkciju za sve one koji neće moći nazočiti ovogodišnjem PC-u.[/blockquote]
Za kraj, Pannonian Challenge ekipa svima želi Sretan Uskrs i ugodan blagdanski odmor! Javljamo se uskoro s novim informacijama!
[blockquote]PC XIV: Daniel Dhers and Michael Beran – Berry confirmed their arrival
Dear visitors, fans, associates, press and sponsors, Pannonian Challenge XIV once again prepared few unforgettable days for you, with a great crew, world and croatian riders and amazing music and cultural program.
Pannonian Challenge 14 will officially begin on August 14th and will keep you entertained until Sunday, August 18th 2013.
New location, on the left coast of the river Drava, brings many advantages because this year we will be able to watch best extreme sport athletes on a big green grassy area, by the “Šumica” and with a nice summer breeze.
Our work with transferring the skatepark is going along great, we plan to be finished with it as soon as possible so that all the riders can spend as much time as possible learning and training in order to amaze all of you with their tricks!
Also, we are pleased to announce that our city will once again be the destination of best world riders.
Multiple world champion and the winner of many X-games medals Daniel Dhers confirmed his arrival to Pannonian Challenge! After winning Pannonian Challenge 3 years in a row we expect even more fun and even better tricks from him.
Furthermore, Michael Beran – Berry is also announcing his arrival at one of the best parties he experienced right here in Osijek after he thrilled our audience on last years Pannonian Challenge!
All of these wonderful, fun and extreme moments will be broadcasted LIVE! for the first time because we are working on an amazing TV production for all of you who won’t be able to attend PC 14.
In the end, Pannonian Challenge team wishes you all Happy Easter and nice holiday rest! We’ll keep you posted with all the latest news![/blockquote]
Vaš Pannonian Challenge!